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About Us

Who We Are


AG Coaching Coalition exists to advance coaching globally in alignment with coaching competencies and ethics and the Assemblies of God Statement of Faith.

Assemblies of God Statement of Faith

Position Papers



Our Partners


Christian Coaches Network International

Our Key Drivers


Coach Development
through coach credentialing, community, benefits, and networking.

Coaching Education
through ongoing education, mentoring, supervision, and peer support.

Global Leadership
through partnerships, research and development, communities of practice and thought leadership.

Ministry Resources
for coaches, pastors, churches, and ministries globally.

Our Values & Beliefs


Worship God

Coaching is a way to worship God through serving others. We believe that every person is divinely created, and that God is already at work in everyone’s life. 



Through compassion and empathy we connect with others and become partners in their God-given purpose.



The mandate for every believer is to make disciples. Coaching follows the example of Jesus in disciple-making.



Coaching provides opportunities to be missionaries to the lost, bringing hope and partnership to those we serve


Our Beliefs

The AG Statement of Fundamental Truths is the foundation for our beliefs.

Our Partners

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